sabato 2 gennaio 2016

AVERROES (IBN RUSHD or in full ABU-AL-WALID MUHAMMAD ibn RUSHD, 1126-1198) by Casalino Pierluigi, Laigueglia, 1949

Ibn Rushd (Averroes) was a Spanish-Arabic philosopher, physician, lawyer and polimath from the Andalusia (Cordoba). After his death the Averroism movement grew up around his teachings and his work greatly influenced the development of Scholasticism in Europe. In the Islamic World he played a decisive role in the defence of Greek philosophy against orthdox Ash'arite theologians led by al-Ghazali, 1058-1111 (see on the web CASALINO PIERLUJIGI, Laigueglia, 1949, al-Ghazali). Althugh during  his lifertime his philosphy was considered controversial in Muslim circle, he had an ever greater impact on Western European thought and he has been described as the fundatin father of secular thought and has been described. Averroes died on 10 December 1198 in Marrakesch (Morocco and his writings found new audience after his death mainly in tjhe Christian and Jewish world
CASALINO PIERLUIGI, Laigueglia, 2.01.2016

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